viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009

Como generar reporte de status (alarmas, estadisticas) del arreglo 6540

//Primero nos logueamos en la maquina que contiene el CAM:
root@masterserver # sscs login -u root -h 172.XX.XXX.XXX

//Identificamos cual array es al que queremos generar el reporte: escogemos el stk6540-01
root@masterserver # sscs list array
Array: arregloremoto-stk6140-01
Array: arreglolocal-stk6140-01
Array: stk6540-01
Array: ARRAY01
Array: ARRAY02

//Aplicamos el siguiente comando:
root@masterserver # /opt/SUNWsefms/bin/supportData -d stk6540-01 -p /export/home/usuario -o supporData_stk6540-01
Starting the collection process for stk6540-01
Starting data collection
Collecting the array profile...
Collecting the MEL data...
Collecting the RLS data...
Collecting persistant registrations...
Collecting bad block data...
Collecting the drive log data...
Collecting the object bundle...
Collecting the alarm data...
Collecting the state capture...
Collecting the NVSRAM data...
Collecting the volume statistics...
Collecting the SOC data...
Zipping up the data files
Completion Status: Task completed succesfully.

La siguiente es la sintaxis de comando:
//The "supportData" utility is in the directory /opt/SUNWsefms/bin/
//The syntax to run the "supportData" utility is :
//supportData -d -p -o
//Valid identifiers are the or or or
//where :
// is the internal Array Serial Number
// is the Name of the Array assigned in Configuration Service
// is the ip address of either the A or B controller
// is the fully qualified DNS name of either the A or B controller or the management host
//and :
// is the location where you want the output written, e.g. /tmp
// is the output file to be created.
//The output file will be in a zip format.

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